In the bottom of that sidebar, you find pictures and videos of my beautiful Colombia! Enjoy it!


This is one of my hobbies. I share with you becouse is a good way to distract you of stress from University or School! I hope you like it! Oh, I'll give to you a little advice: When you finish it, please go back to study numerical methods.
El sudoku del día por

Sunday, May 09, 2010

*Approximations and Round-Off Errors

For many applied engineering problems, we cannot obtain analytical solutions. Therefore, we cannot compute exactly the errors associated with our numerical methods. In these case, we must settle for approximations or estimates of the errors.

Such errors are characteristic of most of the techniques. In professional practice, errors can be costly and sometimes catastrophic. If a structure or device fails, lives can be lost. On of the two major forms of numerical error: round-off error and truncation error.

Round-off error

Is due to the fact that computers can represent only quantities with a finite number of digits.

Truncation Error

Is the discrepancy introduced by the fact that numerical methods may employ approximations to represent exact mathematical operations and quatities.

My Colombia!