In the bottom of that sidebar, you find pictures and videos of my beautiful Colombia! Enjoy it!


This is one of my hobbies. I share with you becouse is a good way to distract you of stress from University or School! I hope you like it! Oh, I'll give to you a little advice: When you finish it, please go back to study numerical methods.
El sudoku del día por

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Newton Raphson Method

The most efficient method for finding a root of an equation is known as Newton-Raphson. In this method, instead of doing linear interpolation between two points known to straddle the root, as in the secant method, we use the value of the function g and its derivative g' at some point z, and simply follow the tangent to the point where it crosses the axis.

Obviously, zn = z - g(z)/g'(z). In this example, you can see that the next iteration (starting at zn) will already bring us very close to the root. When it can be used, Newton-Raphson converges extremely rapidly. In fact, the number of digits of accuracy doubles at each iteration. However, the method requires that we know g', which may not always be the case (for example, if g is known only as a tabulated or numerically defined function). Note, though, that it is possible to make numerical estimates of g' by evaluating g at two nearby points. The method also suffers from the fact that it can be wildly unstable if we start far from the root (for example, if we started at the point labeled z2 in the earlier figures, Newton Raphson would send us off in entirely the wrong direction). And of course, if happen to land near a turning point, where g'(z) = 0, the method will fail badly. Like the secant method, Newton-Raphson is often used to refine our results after bisection has already brought us fairly close to the desired solution.

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